Jellificent's Lore

Once upon a time in the depths of the mythical spirit realm a benevolent and powerful kitsune spirit named Jellificent was born.
She was a divine being with nine tails and mysterious powers. Legend has it that she has the ability to shapeshift at will as well as harness the power to command other spirits.
Jellificent’s birth was no coincidence. Her purpose was to guide the departed souls into the afterlife. To carry out this sacred duty she was given the ability to traverse between the spirit realm and the realm of the living. For centuries Jellificent carried out this sacred duty. Gently guiding countless souls through the ethereal forests and into the realm beyond. She was revered and cherished by both the spirits and the living beings who respected the delicate balance between life and death.However, as the centuries passed Jellificent increasingly yearned for the human realm. Every time she entered the realm of the living her brief visit would strengthen this insatiable longing. She yearned for experiencing the beauty of human existence firsthand. To walk among falling cherry blossoms, to feel the warmth of the sun on her skin and to be able to love. Her greatest wish, however, was to appreciate the fragility and fleeting nature of the mortal lives.Driven by this desire Jellificent sought the permission of the highest spirits to temporarily leave her duties and venture into the realm of the living. Graciously, they granted her wish under the condition that she takes upon a human form and lives a mortal life until her return.
Happily she obliged as Jellificent traversed to the realm of the living
she shapeshifted into a young woman with sparkling purple eyes and long, flowing, brown hair. She cast a spell to keep her kitsune ears and
a single kitsune tail hidden to anyone with a tainted heart. Only those
of a pure heart can see them. To everyone else she blended in
seamlessly to hide her origins from prying eyes.
One day Jellificent will have to return to the spirit realm to resume
her sacred duty. But until then she will savour every minute of living
a mortal life.